Saturday, January 21, 2012

Continuing my blog under a different title... URL below

I have decided that since a few people didn't understand why I used the word manipulator or manipulations
in my blog title to change it to Dolls By Dallas.  Besides, over this last year, *I* have decided that
I really DO make dolls...

so, the new URL to continue following me is:

See you there!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Year, 2012

It's been a year since I started this blog and I want to thank my loyal followers and supporters and friends and family who come here to see what I have been doing.   and... drum roll... an entry into a national show

to the Mulvane Art Museum!  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the last doll of the year... and off and running into the new year...

here she is.. a flapper doll who now has a new home.  No word yet on what she was named.

and  I am really busting butt to get an entry in by midnight Friday night by photo entry to be accepted into a museum in Kansas City.  It's a little tricky because it's a national craft show, and to be a craft, the item needs to be usable in a practical way.  I'm skating the line with a pull toy horse with an almost Cirque rider ... in all grays ... I'm calling it Shades of Gray, because this whole idea of craft vs art in the doll world is quite shades of gray.